Heavy rain expected, help keep catch basins clear and prevent local flooding by removing debris. To report flooding call us at 617-989-7900. Use the link to locate catch basins near you.
South Boston
The impacted area is from Broadway to Andrew Square and the Expressway to Telegraph Hill, and the goal is to remove as much stormwater as possible from the existing combined sewer system.
Project Contacts
Peter Salvatore, PE,
Dir. Of Construction BWSC,
Kareem Bonugli, PE,
Deputy Dir. Construction BWSC,
24/7 Project Hotline,
Weston & Sampson,
Contract Number:
20-309-012Project Summary
Water main and sewer work, where necessary, will occur concurrently, and the project area will be constructed under five construction projects. Working in collaboration with the Boston Planning and Development Agency, construction for contract 1, of 5 began July 2021.
Anticipated Project Duration:
Preliminary Design: Complete
Final Design: Fall 2018 to Spring 2025
Construction: Summer 2021 to Fall 2027
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